This is a an image that was on a site that is famous for clickbait. 

The only real purpose that this image is used for is to generate traffic on a specific site. Now, while I am not 100% familiar with how income or revenue is generated by such sites, I know that there is usually some advertising/ marketing on said site. This, to me, is an example of bad photoshop in the sense that someone is using a national tragedy as a means to make money. That seems a lot like irresponsible photoshop. I see a lot of this on social media sites like Facebook and twitter, where there is a massive population that monitors their personal feed and they take advantage of it by preying on the curiosity factor. It is not just irresponsible, but it is also disrespectful to those countless individuals that had to suffer a horror of incredible magnitude. Not to mention the families of those lost in this tragedy and the lack of courtesy for their feelings to have to see this recreated in such a way as just a means to make a user click the next button on a site created for “entertainment”. While I understand it, know its purpose and know that I cannot change it, I am not a fan of using such material. With that said, I will do my part to use photoshop in a way that is beneficial and considerate.

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