Color is a very important aspect of media and web design in that the use of it is intended to reach nerve centers in the brain to stimulate certain emotions, thoughts, and ideas. In doing a bit of research on color and its use in planning and designing websites is that you try to hit certain marks in your design to hit on key areas of UX and UI to create a usable and comfortable experience and also to have the user return to the site, otherwise whats the point, right? So, it is the goal of the designer to have “return business” by creating a site a user will enjoy using (UI) and feel good about (UX). Knowing that certain colors can trigger certain emotions and thoughts, I would use color in a way to send a message that inspires and promotes thinking that is “outside the box”. One that is representative of my personality and attitude.

Yes, I believe that colors have messages and meaning on their own and I found a helpful article here:

In my reading of the chapter that GPP ( Genuine People Personalities) is discussed, the one thing I got from it was that the robot (who was self-diagnosing as being depressed- books interpretation that he showed signs of having a “GPP”) and was described to have a silver color with red triangular eyes. Silver, which is like gray in this case, indicate he is an individual that is mopey, sad for no reason, and unlikely to be cheerful.

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